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Executive Recruitment

Connecting you with leaders that make a difference

Executive Recruitment

Find people who are going to make a difference

Are you struggling to find the right executive leader? Or the challenge is taking a toll on your resources? At Maysante, we understand the challenges SMEs face when it comes to recruiting the right executive leader. Our executive recruitment services help organisations build superior leadership teams. We specialise in headhunting executive leadership talent across functional areas and specialities recognising the critical role effective leadership plays in the success of SMEs. Our process is centred around you, the SME leader seeking the right executives to propel your organisation forward.

We work with you to build a profile of your ideal executive and/or departmental leadership. Using our industry knowledge, and board-level recruitment experience, we will help you attract exceptional C-Level leaders, technologists, lead engineers and developers, sales and marketing, legal and human resources.

Executive Headhunting

The recruitment process

Free Consultation

Schedule your 15-minute complimentary consultation.

Client Kick-off

Understanding your needs and requirements

We take time to understand your business, your recruitment needs and requirements and help to build a profile of your ideal executive. Meeting you will help us to gain a thorough understanding of the role you want to recruit.

High-calibre individuals may not be actively looking for a new job. Thus, it is important to know why your role and your organisation would be attractive to candidates.

two ladies meeting and sharing a laptop - executive recruitment kick off

Candidate Development

Finding the right people

Diverse Group of Smiling Business Executives

To find people with the relevant skills, experience and qualifications, we conduct targeted research into companies and sectors. We approach potential candidates to test their interest in the role discreetly. We also develop a hand-picked talent pool of custom-matched executives.


We save you time by performing the first screening

We complete a thorough industry search and selection process before we make our shortlist recommendations of outstanding individuals who match your requirements. You conduct interviews with select highly skilled executives.  We can save you more time by performing the first screening.  This involves rigorous competency-based and technical interviews with candidates.  It is based on the proven skills, knowledge, abilities and aptitudes outlined in the position specification.

Diverse people at business Meeting at the Office


We can be part of your interviewing panel

job candidate interview

As an additional service, we can be an integral part of your interviewing panel. With years of experience interviewing people for roles at all levels and specialisms, we will be able to provide vital support in your recruitment and decision-making process.


Make your final selection

At this stage, each candidate has undergone a multi-stage interview process. This includes a meeting in person or via video conferencing. You make your final selection, and we manage all recruitment and negotiation.


Search Conclusion

Placing the right executive

Diverse people at business Meeting at the Office

You hire an experienced, talented executive under an accelerated timeline.  We will also follow up with the organisation and the executive once the search is closed, checking in on the ongoing fit and progress of the transition.

Work with Me

Ready for us to help you find your next executive leader?

Executive Recruitment Details

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